Dragon Inn

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This project is to replace the full height glass window wall of the restaurant. In the past, the restaurant faced the problem of excess sunlight and heat absorption. Customers did not enjoy window seats because of too much heat.

Improving Restaurant Environment

The window wall is now replaced with our double glazing window system, composed by gray tinted and low-e coating glass. This window system blocks UV and heat from sunlight, achieving heat insulation and energy saving, to fit the energy efficient strategy. Moreover, it controls incoming noise from outdoor, providing the best dining environment to the restaurant customers.. This is project is completed in 2018.

Special features of the Window System

22/F Catic Plaza,
8 Causeway Road,
Causeway Bay,
Hong Kong

Email: kw_kum@grouphk.com


Tel: (852) 2881 1456

Fax: (852) 2881 5959

All rights reserved